Hiking on the Appalachian Trail

A.T. Management Committee
The Appalachian Trail (A.T.) is managed as a "primitive footpath". There are minimal facilities and terrain can be challenging. Hikers are expected to be self-reliant, and carry appropriate equipment for the season and terrain.
Maps are highly recommended and can be ordered from the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC), or other sources. Mobile maps can be found at in your phone's App Store.
Because the A.T. can be very busy, we ask all hikers to respect the Trail, overnight sites, and their fellow travelers. The MA A.T. Management Committee in partnership with the Mass Department of Conservation and the Recreation and the National Park Service A.T. Park Office have established the following guidelines and regulations to aid in that effort:
  • Stay on marked trails to avoid trampling sensitive vegetation.
  • Keep voices down so others can enjoy the forest. Do not play music on speakers.
  • Access the Trail from designated parking areas.
  • Camping is permitted only at designated sites.
  • Shelters and campsites are available on a first-come first-served basis. Maximum consecutive stay at one overnight site is 2 nights.
  • Fires are permitted only in the main fire ring, usually in front of the shelter. Use "dead, down and dinky" wood for fires. Do not bring axes, hatchets, or saws on your trip. To preserve vegetation, no fires are permitted at Laurel Ridge Campsite.
  • All campsites have privies. Some privies use a composting process to reduce waste, so please read and follow the posted instructions. Do not throw trash, clothing or food into any privy.
  • Water sources are near each campsite. Some campsite water sources may dry up at certain times of year. Boil, filter or chemically treat all water from backcountry sources.
  • Do not leave trash or food at campsites, shelters, or in fire rings. Carry in, carry out.
  • Overnight sites have steel boxes to keep food away from bears and other animals. At busy times, boxes may fill quickly. Bring 50ft of rope to hang your food if the box is full.
  • Day hiking group size is limited to no more than 25, including leaders. Overnight groups are limited to no more than 10, including leaders. Group leaders should review Group Hiking on the A.T. and then contact the A.T. Committee at for more information and to avoid conflict and overcrowding.
  • Overnight groups should plan to use tents. Long distance and individual hikers have priority for shelter use. Please respect other hikers, and limit noise and activity after 8:00 PM.
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted in State Forests and Parks.
  • Practice Leave No Trace principles.
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