Our Volunteers
AMC could not function without its thousands of volunteers, from Executive Committee members in each chapter, to activity leaders, trail maintainers, and conservation advocates. In our Western MA Chapter, the A.T. Committee alone has 200 volunteers. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the volunteers who make our chapter great. It, literally, would not exist without them.
2024 Most Valuable Committee Members
We would like to congratulate the Most Valuable Committee Members (MVCMs) of 2024 who were recognized at the Annual Business Meeting on October 25th. We appreciate each and every volunteer who makes a contribution to our Chapter, whether they are leading outings, joining one of our conservation projects, maintaining trails, or serving on our Executive Committee.
The MVCMs were chosen by their respective committee as someone who especially stood out this year in their volunteer efforts. Please take a moment to read about this year's MVCMs and their contributions to the Chapter's purpose and AMC mission.

David Coderre

Steve Maislin

Bonna Wieler

Charlie Arsenault

Kayla Crowe

David Conley

Chris Neil

Jeff Pratt

Jack Gill

Western MA Chapter Volunteers
Click or tap on the images for enlarged versions or to learn more ✧ If you're a Western MA volunteer and not posted in our gallery, send us a photo and a brief biography and we'll add you! ✧ This year's Most Valuable Leaders are highlighted in pink.

Mike April

Roger Beer

Warren Buhl

Carly Cavanaugh

Nancy Condon

Kayla Crowe

Jeff Davis

Bess Dillman

Mary Therese Durr

Lisa Fernandez

Michelle Filiault

Alice Flyte

Debi Garlick

Paul Glazebrook

Lou Graham

Matthew Hart

Mary Hogan

Adam Jasionkowski

Trish Johnston

Diane Jones

Margot Lacey

Steve Maislin

Robyn Maislin

Kathy Martin

Peggy McLennan

Jan Alicia Nettler

John O’Shea

Jeannette Pierce

Dawne Piers-Gamble

Cliff Prewencki

Laura Stinnette

Lisa Taylor

Martha Waldman

Patty Watson

Josh Weeks

Debra Weisenstein

Dave Wells

Bonna Wieler

Heather Wyman

Volunteer Spotlight
- Western MA Opportunities »Chapter volunteer positions
- Western MA Activities »Volunteer activities such as trail work, maintenance, and wildlife monitoring
- Volunteer Resources »Forms, manuals and resources