A.T. Monitoring

AMC Western MA Chapter
Trail monitors visit their section of the A.T. and report on boundary encroachments, misuse, the status of historical and cultural sites, and the existence of threatened and endangered plant species.

Boundary and Corridor Monitoring

Corridor boundary monitors are volunteers who keep A.T. Corridor lands free from boundary encroachment and misuse. They also serve as an information source for trail neighbors (abutters) with questions or concerns about A.T. lands. The monitoring work involves off-trail travel with survey maps and compass.
Monitors are not responsible for enforcement. Their task is to observe and report. Typically this means an annual or semiannual visit to "their" section of corridor lands and a simple one page report. On rare occasions, serious encroachments are discovered. Once reported by a monitor, follow-up is handled by Committee volunteers (Monitor Coordinators), the Appalachian Trail Committee, and in rare cases a National Park Service ranger.

Natural, Cultural, and Historic Site Monitoring

The A.T. Corridor lands are home to a surprising number of rare, threatened, and endangered species. They also encompass many historical and cultural sites, ranging from colonial mines and kilns to Native American settlement areas. Some of our volunteers are also county monitors. We currently have more sites than volunteers. Monitoring such a site typically entails a yearly visit to the site and a brief, one page form to mail in. Most of these sites are off the foot path on A.T. Corridor lands, and may require some bush-whacking to get to. Volunteers for monitoring rare, threatened, and endangered plant species are needed. Contact our Natural Resources Coordinator for more information.

Getting Involved

If you're interested in monitoring and want to find out more, you can contact our Volunteer Coordinator.
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