The Western MA Exchange Archive
In This Issue
Winter Activities at Noble View ✧ What's in a Name? ✧ Trail Adopters Needed! ✧ Volunteer-led Activities to Resume After June 22nd ✧ We Are Open! ✧ Western MA Donates $8K to Hanging Mountain ✧ Berkshire A.T. Newsletter ✧ #BeOutdoorsOnline Heart ChallengeWinter Activities at Noble View
[16‑Dec‑2020] We're excited to open Noble View's hiking trails for cross country skiing and snowshoeing this winter!
What's in a Name?
[20‑Aug‑2020] We are seeking a name that reflects the full range of communities our chapter serves in Western Massachusetts. VIEW ARTICLE »
Trail Adopters Needed!
[23‑Jul‑2020] Do you like walking in the woods? You can learn to care for the trails you enjoy by becoming an AMC Trail Adopter right here in Massachusetts. VIEW ARTICLE »
Volunteer-led Activities to Resume After June 22nd
[14‑Jul‑2020] Although the COVID 19 pandemic is by no means over, AMC and the Berkshire (now the Western MA) Chapter are applying careful evidence-based risk management practices to chart a path forward for volunteer-led outdoor activities to resume safely. VIEW ARTICLE »
We Are Open!
[09‑Jul‑2020] We are slowly beginning to start trail maintenance on the Appalachian Trail.
Western MA Donates $8K to Hanging Mountain
[01‑Jul‑2020] The AMC Berkshire Chapter (now the Western MA Chapter) is pleased to announce that we have contributed $8,000 to support the acquisition of Hanging Mountain in Sandisfield, MA for development of a new destination for climbers! VIEW ARTICLE »
Berkshire A.T. Newsletter
June 2020
[08‑Jun‑2020] Issue 9 of the Berkshire Appalachian Trail Newsletter has just been released. Catch up on remote opportunities, History Through Stories, the ATC survey, and more! NEWSLETTER »
#BeOutdoorsOnline Heart Challenge
[18‑Apr‑2020] Send in your photos to connect and share with other families who could use a little love in these crazy times.
The Western MA Exchange
editor: the communications chair ✧ reporter: the chapter webmaster ✧ proofreader: the chapter chair ✧ contributors: our chapter members