The Western MA Exchange Archive
In This Issue
2022 Appie of the Year ✧ AMC Appoints New President ✧ Solar Infrastructure in MA ✧ New "Member At Large" Positions Proposed ✧ Call for Nominations ✧ Lend a Hand to the A.T. Committee! ✧ Support Bill H.4331!2022 Appie of the Year
[03‑Dec‑2022] We would like to extend our sincere congratulations to Brant Cheikes, the 2022 Appie of the Year Award recipient for the Western MA Chapter! Brant is finishing his third year as the Chairperson for the Western MA Executive Committee, after agreeing to take on a third year when no chair could be found for 2022.
AMC Appoints New President
[30‑Nov‑2022] We are excited to announce that AMC's Board of Directors has chosen Nicole Zussman to be the next President and CEO of the Appalachian Mountain Club, effective January 1, 2023! Zussman joins us following her role as Chief People Officer for Rue Gilt Groupe. AMC OUTDOORS »
Solar Infrastructure in MA
[08‑Nov‑2022] As the Commonwealth of Massachusetts addresses climate change through renewable energy development and other strategies, AMC and partners have urged Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) to identify areas where solar development should be avoided and encouraged. VIEW ARTICLE »
New "Member At Large" Positions Proposed
[28‑Sep‑2022] To draw fresh perspectives and build a diverse pool of candidates for future officer and activity chair positions, the ExCom voted on September 12th to amend the chapter's bylaws to create two "Member At Large" positions with full voting rights.
Call for Nominations
[05‑Jul‑2022] Please consider nominating yourself or someone you recommend (with their permission, of course) for an open Chapter Officer or Standing Committee Chair position! VIEW ARTICLE »
Lend a Hand to the A.T. Committee!
[25‑Mar‑2022] Meet some great people, get your hands dirty and help support our beautiful recreational and ecological sites. Work projects are open to all – no prior experience is necessary. VIEW ARTICLE »
Support Bill H.4331!
[24‑Mar‑2022] Bill H.4331 is a bill which would restore a municipality's right to reasonably regulate solar power locations and is supported by AMC. This bill needs your support to gain passage. VIEW ARTICLE »
The Western MA Exchange
editor: the communications chair ✧ reporter: the chapter webmaster ✧ proofreader: the chapter chair ✧ contributors: our chapter members