Our Initiatives: Waterways
Invasive Species Removal
If all plants are not weeds, and not all weeds are invasive, how do you know which plants don't belong in our local outdoor spaces? How can we tell a "good" weed from a "bad" one?Waters and Rivers Protection Fund
The Waters and Rivers Protection Fund invests in projects, identified by AMC Chapters or other organizations, that will aid in expanding paddling opportunities. To date, AMC has donated money to six projects, including a modern privy along the Connecticut River used by paddlers doing multi-day excursions, and debris removal on the Wood and Pawcatuck Wild and Scenic Rivers in Rhode Island.Westfield River Waterfront Cleanup
In recent years, the Western MA Chapter's Conservation Committee has collaborated with the Westfield River Watershed Association (WRWA) in their twice-yearly waterfront cleanup events. Led by AMC's Heather Wyman (a WRWA board member), we coordinate cleanup efforts in the area of the West ph levee in West Springfield, MA. Conservation Research Advocacy