Advancing Racial Equity in Outdoor Institutions

Resource type: recording
Presenter: Mardi Fuller
Mardi Fuller
Mardi Fuller
Why, and how have People of Color been excluded from full participation in nature spaces and outdoor sports? The AMC DEI Speaker Series is pleased to welcome Mardi Fuller, a backcountry adventurer and the first known Black person to hike all 48 of New Hampshire's high peaks in winter, to present a brief, but deep dive into understanding white supremacy. How does it normalize experiences, history, narratives and environmental ideology while keeping those operating out of its framework (and that can be people of any race) from seeing beyond it?
In this presentation, Mardi speaks on her life of adventures as a Black outdoorswoman who has grown in her liberation-focused identity. We discuss barriers marginalized people face in accessing the outdoors and how their exclusion is detrimental to all people. We end by discussing solutions and how each of us can play a role in increasing equitable access to nature and outdoor activities.
This recording is no longer available.


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